Tuesday, January 21, 2025
Race Results View
1st Annual Salem Lakeshore Frosty Relay |
Winston-Salem, NC USA |
Event Date | 1/7/2012 | Race Location | Salem Lake |
Race Distance | 31.06856 | USATFNumber | |
Contact Name | Twin City Track Club | Contact EMail | Frosty50@twincitytc.org |
WEBSite | http://www.twincitytc.org/ |
Created Date | 12/22/2011 | Date Modified | 12/22/2011 |
Overall Female
1 |
Linville, Angela L | Honey Badgers | Winston Salem | NC | 52 | F | 04:22:03.0 |
08:27.0 |
2 |
Bartlett, Wendy Elizabeth | 4 Mother Runners | Winston Salem | NC | 36 | F | 04:28:32.0 |
08:39.0 |
3 |
Hollowell, Michelle | Rail Runners | Randleman | NC | 43 | F | 04:40:45.0 |
09:03.0 |
4 |
VanSciver, Kathryn | KiCK iCe | | | 30 | F | 05:05:17.0 |
09:50.0 |
5 |
Durham, Teresa | Three Old Ladies and Katie | Roaring Gap | NC | 49 | F | 05:46:48.0 |
11:10.0 |
Overall Male
1 |
Nothoff, Nick | Team Doll Feen | Winston Salem | NC | 31 | M | 03:05:30.0 |
05:59.0 |
2 |
Gibbs, Bill F | MOAC I | Winston Salem | NC | 52 | M | 03:18:46.0 |
06:24.0 |
3 |
Armentrout, Brant H | MOAC II | Winston Salem | NC | 39 | M | 03:22:38.0 |
06:32.0 |
4 |
Armentrout, Kyle Henderson | MOAC III | Winston Salem | NC | 39 | M | 03:24:07.0 |
06:35.0 |
5 |
Hornkohl, Dana Powell | Kim Smith and the Smooth Crimina | Durham | NC | 43 | M | 04:12:37.0 |
08:08.0 |
1 |
Nothoff, Nick | Team Doll Feen | Winston Salem | NC | 31 | M | 1014 | 03:05:30.0 |
05:59.0 |
2 |
Gibbs, Bill F | MOAC I | Winston Salem | NC | 52 | M | 1001 | 03:18:46.0 |
06:24.0 |
3 |
Armentrout, Brant H | MOAC II | Winston Salem | NC | 39 | M | 1002 | 03:22:38.0 |
06:32.0 |
4 |
Armentrout, Kyle Henderson | MOAC III | Winston Salem | NC | 39 | M | 1003 | 03:24:07.0 |
06:35.0 |
5 |
Hornkohl, Dana Powell | Kim Smith and the Smooth Crimina | Durham | NC | 43 | M | 1012 | 04:12:37.0 |
08:08.0 |
6 |
Lichty, Clayton | Old Farts | Clemmons | NC | 35 | M | 1005 | 04:18:37.0 |
08:20.0 |
7 |
Linville, Angela L | Honey Badgers | Winston Salem | NC | 52 | F | 1006 | 04:22:03.0 |
08:27.0 |
8 |
Bartlett, Wendy Elizabeth | 4 Mother Runners | Winston Salem | NC | 36 | F | 1008 | 04:28:32.0 |
08:39.0 |
9 |
Royall, Stewart | Lady and the Tramp | Sparta | NC | 49 | M | 1009 | 04:33:34.0 |
08:49.0 |
10 |
Hollowell, Michelle | Rail Runners | Randleman | NC | 43 | F | 1011 | 04:40:45.0 |
09:03.0 |
11 |
VanSciver, Kathryn | KiCK iCe | | | 30 | F | 1010 | 05:05:17.0 |
09:50.0 |
12 |
Durham, Teresa | Three Old Ladies and Katie | Roaring Gap | NC | 49 | F | 1007 | 05:46:48.0 |
11:10.0 |