Tuesday, February 18, 2025
Race Organization Checklist
Brochure Information:
- Date of race
- Starting time(s)
- Start & finish site(s), directions, public transportation, parking
- Race distance(s)
- Course description (include terrain, mile markers, elevation)
- Course map
- Course certification number
- Race sanction, insurance with USA Track & Field
- Sponsors, assisting organizations
- Municipalities recognition
- Sponsor/contributor recognition
- Age groups awards with depth in each category
- Team categories / prizes (spell out team rules, number per team, scoring method)
- Time/Location of awards ceremony (usually 15-30 minutes after last finisher)
- Amenities (T-shirt with limits, food, etc.)
- T-shirt/packet pick-up information
- Entry fee (non-refundable!), entry deadline, checks payable to...
- Mailing address to send bottom of entry with check
- Race limit, if applicable
- Refreshments and other amenities
- Clinics & other related activities
The Entry Blank Should Request:
- Name (First Name, Middle Name or Initial, Last Name)
- Address (street, city, state, zip)
- Telephone
- Email
- Age & date of birth
- USATF number (optional)
- Special categories and team/club designation such as Wheelchair, Clydesdale, Walker or Police
- Signature (parent or guardian if under 18) acknowledging Waiver of Liability (see sample application)
Promotion Opportunities
- Distribution of entries through direct mailing, TCTC Flyer, at running stores, health clubs, at races
- Notification thru TCTC Email list
- Posters
- Press announcements (calendar listings in local newspapers)
- Regional & national running magazines
- Television/Radio public service announcements
- Press releases
- Neighborhood flyer to advertise and notify any inconvenience to residents
- Advertisements (Running Journal, Runner's World, Running Times)
- Create Web Page
- Online Registration
- Assign race photographer: (Optional) for participants' photos (sales) and for documentation & future sponsor presentation
Course & Permits
- Municipal Permits
- State Permits
- USATF Sanction
- Certificates of Insurance
- Course measurement & certification
- Course miles marked
- Signage prepared for course and race site
- Police details arranged
- Fire department notified (alternate routes in case of emergency)
- Trains notified if course crosses railroad tracks
- Hospitals notified/Ambulance services arranged or notified
- Press/course vehicles obtained
Supplies and Last minute details
- T-shirts and other give-away items obtained
- Race numbers and safety pins obtained
- Registration data system established
- Portopotties (if necessary)
- All race applications data entered into registration system
Volunteers for day of race
- Registration
- Finish line timing & scoring and results
- Medical
- Aid stations
- Course security/marshals/communications
- Results posting & Distribution
- Awards
- Refreshments/clean-up
Race Day Details
- Water at Start, Finish and along course
- Course information signs posted with map
- Table and chairs for registration
- Coffee/refreshments
- T-shirts with "Race Official" identification
- Instructional briefings prepared for race start, awards and sponsors
- Restroom information
- Medical/weather information
- Starting line information
- Course map with mile markers and aid stations
- Clothing/check-in/changing facilities/showers (optional)
- Results posting
Water Stations in Place:
- Water/electrolyte replacement fluid
- cups, pitchers
- tables
- barrels/trash bags
- rakes (for clean-up)
Course material in place
- Mile/kilometer markers
- Directional arrows
- Wwater/aid stations
- Communication equipment
- Stop watches for mile split callers/Splits
Refreshments area:
- Tables
- Ice
- Knives, forks, spoons, napkins (depending on food)
- Trash barrels/bags
- Cups
- Alphanumerical lists printed and posted
- Number pick-up
- T-shirt and packet pick-up
- Post-registration area set-up
- Entry forms/pens/pencils (use separate table)
- Race numbers and pins
- Race packets
- Cash-box/change (Plenty of ones and fives)
- Trouble table set-up (if large race)
Results Area:
- Isolated area close to finish line
- Tables and chairs
- Electric power hook-up
- Copying machine (optional)
- Telephone, fax
- Pre-printed awards with age groups, teams and special division
- Bulletin Board with tacks
- Tie Wraps
- Scotch Tape
Awards Area:
- Tables and chairs
- Podium or announcing stand
- PA system
- Awards display area, with awards arranged by age group
- Results posting area
Last Minute Details
- Course officials briefed
- Official photographer briefed (provided with shot-list)
- Course vehicle drivers briefed (someone familiar w/ course should guide each vehicle)
- Sweep vehicle driver briefed
- Official starter equipped and briefed
- Banners placed in area easily view by runners and press
- PA system or bullhorns functioning
- Rest room facilities in place
Start/Finish line equipment in place
- Tent for inclement weather
- Pace/seeding signs (optional for large races)
- Finish tape with sponsors name
- Chute materials (stanchions/rope)
- Digital clock
- Computer system
- Recording sheets, clipboards, pencils for timer, bib number recorders
- Tables and chairs
- water station set up
Medical area set-up
- Isolated, covered area near finish, often an EMT vehicle
- Supervising MD & qualified nurses, EMTs
- Communications
- Ice, IVs, hot & cold fluids, cots, blankets
- Immediate triage capability
Post Race
- Results posted on TCTC Results page
- Clean-up (course, start & finish are, locker rooms, etc.)
- Press release with results
- Post race stories with photo's to press
- Post race mailing or email to participants
- Thank you's to sponsors, volunteers, contributors, municipalities
- Post-race evaluation meeting with organizing committee
- Volunteer/Officials' party
Bold Items provided by TCTC when using various TCTC Services.